Conqueror Wove 300gsm Wallets

Wove Card (Smooth Finish) Matching envelopes are available for some of the sizes and colours. We also have matching paper. This card comes from managed sustainable forests. Wallets can be supplied flat, or for a small extra charge can be taped and folded so they arrive with you ready to use. If you are self assembling we recommend using the ultra clear tape which can be found at the following link on our site -  Ultra Clear Tape We recommend the following insert sizes for these wallets: 80x212mm (85x215 wallet), 85x197mm (90x200 wallet) , 120x122mm (125x125 wallet) , 141x144mm (146x146 wallet) , 100x70mm (107x78 wallet), 100x149mm (105x152 wallet) , 100x212 (105x215 wallet), 210x297mm (Doc Wallet), 100x140mm (105x148 Boarding Pass), 90x200mm (99x210 Boarding Pass. Inserts can be ordered from the following link -

Product Code: Wallet-ConWoveCol


 1+   10+   25+   50+   100+   250+   500+ 
82x112mm (C7) Wallet £0.37 £0.36 £0.35 £0.35 £0.34 £0.32 £0.31
85x215mm Wallet £0.56 £0.55 £0.53 £0.52 £0.51 £0.48 £0.45
90x200mm Wallet £0.49 £0.48 £0.46 £0.45 £0.44 £0.42 £0.39
105x152mm Wallet £0.56 £0.55 £0.53 £0.52 £0.51 £0.48 £0.45
VP-105x215mm Wallet £0.85 £0.83 £0.80 £0.78 £0.75 £0.70 £0.65
109x78mm Wallet £0.44 £0.43 £0.42 £0.41 £0.40 £0.38 £0.36
V-125x125mm Petal Wallet £0.85 £0.83 £0.80 £0.78 £0.76 £0.71 £0.66
VP-125x125mm Wallet £0.49 £0.48 £0.46 £0.45 £0.44 £0.42 £0.39
133x184mm Wallet £0.85 £0.83 £0.80 £0.78 £0.76 £0.71 £0.66
VP-146x146mm Wallet £0.67 £0.65 £0.63 £0.62 £0.60 £0.56 £0.52
VP-148x210mm Wallet £0.85 £0.83 £0.80 £0.78 £0.76 £0.71 £0.66
150x150mm Petal Wallet £1.21 £1.18 £1.13 £1.10 £1.07 £0.99 £0.92
154x108mm (A6 landscape) £0.67 £0.65 £0.63 £0.62 £0.60 £0.56 £0.52
105x148mm Boarding Pass Wallet £0.67 £0.65 £0.63 £0.62 £0.60 £0.56 £0.52
99x210mm Boarding Pass Wallet £0.67 £0.65 £0.63 £0.62 £0.60 £0.56 £0.52

Colour Conqueror Wove Coloured Card

Cream Wove (Conqueror)
Cream Wove (Conqueror 300gsm)
Oyster Wove (Conqueror)
Oyster Wove (Conqueror 300gsm)

Size A Wallet

82x112mm (C7) Wallet
82x112mm (C7) Wallet
85x215mm Wallet
85x215mm Wallet
90x200mm Wallet
90x200mm Wallet
105x152mm Wallet
105x152mm Wallet
105x215mm Wallet
VP-105x215mm Wallet

109x78mm Wallet
125x125mm Velo Petal Wallet
V-125x125mm Petal Wallet
125x125mm Wallet
VP-125x125mm Wallet
133x184mm Wallet
133x184mm Wallet
146x146mm Wallet
VP-146x146mm Wallet
148x210mm Wallet
VP-148x210mm Wallet
150x150mm Petal Wallet
150x150mm Petal Wallet
153x107mm (A6 landscape)
154x108mm (A6 landscape)
99x210mm Boarding Pass Wallet
105x148mm Boarding Pass Wallet

99x210mm Boarding Pass Wallet

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